I read something really interesting in The Institutes of Christian Religion by John Calvin yesterday, and I just thought I would share it with you.
The soul consists of two parts; the intelect and the will. God gave man the intelect so that he would be able to reason and discern right from wrong. The will was so he could choose right or wrong. Eve knew that eating the forbidden fruit was wrong, but she chose to do it anyway. In the same way, Adam also knew it was wrong; yet he chose to share with Eve in her sin. Because of their sin, came the curse. They died! By this, I mean that they not only became mortal, but that they died spiritually to God. They were still able to discern right from wrong, but they did not have the ability to choose good. They were slaves to sin, and could thus only choose that which was evil. But God is able to redeem those He chooses. We cannot come to Him on our own because our souls are dead to Him.
Philosophers look for free-will where is cannot be found. They reason that man could not be a rational being without the freedom to choose between good and evil; that the distinction between virtue and vice would have been ruined if man did not live according to his own decisions. This is logical if the Fall had not occured. Because they don't realize there has been no change, it is no wonder that they are confused.
Only God can bring us out of this pit of despair into which we have fallen. Why He does it is beyond me except that He does it for His own honor and glory. He doesn't have to save any of us, or He could save all of us. The Potter can do anything He wants with His pots. He can save them or break them.
In all we do, may we bring honor and glory to His name.