Happy New Year
This afternoon, I am heading out to a youth retreat in Clay Center. I won't be back till Monday, so I wish you all a Happy New Year. This time, I will get it done early instead of late like I did for Christmas.
This afternoon, I am heading out to a youth retreat in Clay Center. I won't be back till Monday, so I wish you all a Happy New Year. This time, I will get it done early instead of late like I did for Christmas.
It's a little late, but I can still wish you all a Merry Christmas. On Sunday, Ed led our Sunday school class. I like it when he or Andrew leads! They don't use the curriculum that is provided; they make up the lesson from scratch. Cindy just uses the book. Oh well. It was a welcome change. Anyway, Ed used the reference of Revelation 12. I have never thought of teaching a Christmas story from Revelation. It was interesting. I wish Ed would do a sermon series on Revelation; it would be extremely fun to listen to.
My Grandma had complete knee replacement on Tuesday. That night, when the nurses got her up to walk she fainted. They were unable to hold her up and she fell and bent her knee all the way. On Wednesday, she fainted at least four times. I haven't heard about today; Dad, Jacque, Martha, and Lydia went down today to visit. Please pray that she has a fast recovery.
I always used to think that this was wrong in a way. I thought that it implied that God needed our help or something. However, David in the Psalms tells us that the Lord is on our side. We need God on ourside; without Him we can do nothing. We cannot be on His side; He has to come to us. The Lord is on our side!
It's pretty cold out. In fact it is exactly 2 degrees with a wind chill of -9. I broke out my coveralls today; I also got some rubber insulated boots. That will make chores a lot warmer.
Study God's Creation -- written by Eric Scoby